Sechs Anerkennungen AIV-Wettbewerb 2006

October 28, 2006 / Award

For design projects “zob.s”,

The students Iva Ilieva, Boriana Kitova and Evgeniya Syarova, as well as Hui Chen and Tuoya Tuoya, Johannes Haberkorn and Stanislav Metzger, Philipp Hellmers and Albert Schuster, Matthias Häussler and Stanislava PetrovaMarina Boukova and Asmi Abu Ishak were awarded with a tribute prize in the AIV (Architekten- und Ingenieurvereins Stuttgart e.V.) ideas competition 2006 for students. Valued were their design projects “zob.s”, which discussed a new central bus station for the neighbourhood of the main station.

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